How to Improve Your Fishing Skills

Robert S. Castellini
3 min readMay 18, 2022


A common perception of fishing is that it’s easy, and anyone can do it. Yet most people who go fishing rarely catch any fish. In reality, fishing isn’t easy to do. You have to know enough about it and do it regularly to become a skilled angler. Like any skill, you will get better over time with enough knowledge and practice. Unfortunately, most beginners don’t — instead, they just throw the hook in and hope the fish takes the bait.

If you want to become a good fisher, you need to understand that it requires some effort from your side. Aside from the basics of learning the difference between fresh and saltwater fishing and what type of bait to use, you will need to level up on other aspects. Here are some ways to improve your fishing skills.

The first thing you must do is observe your fishing spot. For example, consider the water’s characteristics. Fishing relies heavily on the quality of the water. You should consider the variations in the water, such as clarity, shading, and current, as it impacts attracting the fish. Doing this makes it easier to catch different types of fish if you know where they are. You can use various fishing techniques for each type of fish to get them.

Similarly, observing the nearby water vegetation and reefs will give you a rough indication of the aquatic life in a particular location. While using technology to catch fish is helpful, you should not disregard mother nature’s indicators. If you’re fishing in the ocean, pay attention to the tides, as it’s easier to catch fish when the tides are shifting.

Often, beginners can get frustrated and discouraged due to a lack of a good catch. Instead of throwing in the towel or getting disappointed, you will understand what improvements to make to get favorable effects over time. This ability will only come with practice, planning, and patience.

Other than patience, timing is essential when it comes to fishing. What time of day you go fishing will significantly impact your success. Certain fish like bass are low-light predators and hunt typically during dusk or dawn. Going fishing at 10 in the morning for bass will only result in sunburn and an empty hand. Similarly, it’s easier to catch trout in the summer months, as they feed on mosquitoes and other insects as they are most during that season. Do the necessary research and be clear about your target species.

Casting is one of the most important things you will do when fishing. Learning to cast will require much practice since it includes delicate wrist and forceful elbow actions. Strive initially to improve your accuracy, and then, after you have mastered that, try to improve your range. A correctly cast line lets you throw your lure farther and more accurately.

Another mistake beginners make is to reel the fish in too quickly when they start biting. Experienced fishers know that over-fighting a fish might cause it to dislodge the hook or snap the line, so avoid rapid or hard jerks and simply keep the line taut once the hook is set.

If all else fails, consider taking some lessons. Experience is a great teacher, and learning from a professional angler can provide more value than books or YouTube videos. A competent fishing instructor will help improve your skills quickly.

